
Success Subliminal MP3

Success Subliminal MP3
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Rid Yourself of free Radicals

Ultimate Maqui BerryMany people drag themselves out of bed in the mornings feeling sluggish and exhausted, even though they have just climbed out of bed. They drag themselves to the shower in the hopes of revitalization, and then lumber off to work for yet another day. Does this sound like you? You may be suffering from toxic body syndrome. Fortunately, there is a cure for this ailment and it is as simple as can be.

Toxins accumulate in our bodies every single minute of every single day. We are constantly bombarded with these dangerous chemicals and toxic dangers. Free radicals are another problem. They are often silent, invisible and sneaky. They are always horrible for us. They take away our energy, age us prematurely and sap our zest for life. Ironically, our very own bodies create a large number of these toxins from doing day to day things like going to the store, exercising, eating and breathing. All of these things are essential and cannot be avoided, so we cannot effectively avoid toxins either.

But we can eliminate and reduce those toxins from the body thorough the magic of Maqui Berry. Maqui Berry is a fruit that contains huge amounts of anti-oxidants. In fact, the Maqui Berry has more of these than any other food on the planet that we know of. You may have heard of the Acai Berry, since it has been on virtually every website and news network on the planet. The Maqui Berry is up to 2 times more effective and 3 times more according to some estimates. What is clear is that the Maqui Berry has the most anti-aging, weight loss and general healthy benefits of any fruit in the world.

Anti-oxidants get rid of these free-radicals and toxins.

Toxins and free radicals are not produced and originated solely in the body. We also get them from poor air conditions, pollution, fat laden foods and the like. These toxins are just as dangerous and the Maqui Berry works just as effectively on these types of toxins.

Toxins need to be cleared because the hurt our bodies – not only in weight gain and aging, but in damage to organs, tissues and muscles throughout the body.
When you are loaded with toxins and free radicals you can expect poor skin, weight gain, sickness and the exhaustion we spoke about above on a regular basis. Your immune system is easily compromised which can lead to any number of illnesses and diseases.

Trying a Maqui Berry supplement such as Ultimate Maqui Berry could clear out all those toxins and free radicals and slow down the aging process. You will be amazed at how energetic you will feel after taking Ultimate Maqui Berry. This one benefit alone will lead you to a better lifestyle, and ultimately help you lose weight and age slower. Fortunately, you will also be fighting off the other problems mentioned here effectively. Try Ultimate Maqui Berry today and start to feel your age again! Or younger!
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo


The Health Benefits of Green Tea

Green tea has been relished by people in China and Japan for centuries; it has become more widely known and appreciated in the West over time.

A lot of people know that Green tea can be very beneficial to health but few understand the exact reasons why.

Green tea contains powerful antioxidants that help to prevent cancers. Evidence suggested that enjoying Green tea regularly as part of your everyday diet can help reduce the risks of colon, pancreas, rectum, stomach and bladder cancer by up to an impressive 60%. The main antioxidant that is found in Green tea; Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG as it is also referred to) has 100% more antioxidant power than vitamin C and up to 25% more effectual at protecting the cells from harmful influences. Additionally, not only does EGCG inhibit the growth of new cancer cells forming, it also helps to eradicate the existing cancer cells and leaving the healthy cells intact.

Green tea lowers the bad cholesterol (LDL) in our bodies and balances the level of good cholesterol (HDL). This explains why tea drinkers can eat a large amount of cholesterol and still have an equally balanced cholesterol count. It can help to stop blood clots from forming which would inevitably lead to thrombosis, this is of greater importance if you take into consideration that this is one of the main causes of heart attacks and strokes.

It reduces high blood pressure but suppressing angio-tension which causes the blood vessels to constrict which causes high blood pressure. Green tea effectively lowers blood sugar, (Polyphenols and polysaccharides being the main two antioxidants that are most effective at lowering blood sugar). It helps to prevent and alleviate symptoms of type-two diabetes.

Green tea protects the liver against harmful toxins, chemicals in cigarette smoke and alcohol to name examples.

It is ideal for maintaining good oral health as it suppresses the build up of plaque formation and destroys the bacteria that can cause bad breath.

Green Tea also aids the prevention of free radicals from ageing you prematurely and gives your immune system a boost due to the high concentration of polyphenols and flavonoids.

Green tea has been shown to possess antiviral and antibacterial properties. Studies conducted have shown Green tea halts the spread of disease and quickens ones recovery from cold and flu viruses. It also combats seven strains of food poisoning including botulism, staphylococcus and clostridium.

Green tea helps to stop dehydration by helping your body to maintain a healthy balance of fluid; it also relieves stress and fatigue which is often caused by dehydration. It also helps to stimulate the metabolism, give the calorie burning a boost and is commonly used as a key element in a healthy diet.

Black tea comes from the same plant as green tea but it will not give you the exact same benefits as during fermentation, a lot of its medical benefits are lost.

That said, tea in any form is still beneficial to health just that some are more so than others. The best way to preserve the nutrition of tea is to drink it freshly brewed, without sugar or milk and to let the tea brew about 4-5 before consuming it.

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Watch your baby from anywhere!
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Deep Zen Meditation

Deep Zen Meditation: "Introducing . . . The Effortless Way to Total Peace and Happiness Simply put on a pair of headphones, listen to the audio and enjoy the bliss of deep meditation in minutes. That’s it – it couldn’t be EASIER! Utilizing our unique and proprietary Triple Harmonic Chord™ Technology we are able to induce the deepest



Reiki is Energy

What is Reiki?

Reiki is an ancient Chinese healing tradition, that is based upon the true identity of what we are, Energy!

Truth is we are energy; everything about us,our thoughts,our bodies, our souls, we are energy! and this energy interacts with the universal law of attraction. Now we know that using energy, focus and intention to create the best outcome in our lives is not a new concept.

But how does Reiki fit into this?

Well, we know that the feeling of love carries the highest vibration of all. Reiki energy carries the essence and vibration of love.When we channel Reiki energy toward a future vision, the vibrations of this energy helps to attract situations, people, and opportunities to us that also carry that same vibration.

In order to manifest we must let go of the outcome, the same happens when having and giving a Reiki healing. If we hold onto the ourtcome to much our vision becomes needy, or if we hold onto it in a rigid manner, it becomes fearful, in other words, it means that we are" feeling" the feeling of fear, or holding onto it out of fear. Fear is a different vibration than love and will create more situations and circumstances where our fears will be attracting just that, fear . Reiki gives us the opportunity and the chance to transform ourselves, the universe always gives us what we are focusing on the most, and it always matches our deepest beliefs.

Through Reiki we hold the power to boost our energy levels and manifesting abilities. We can also empower ourselves in so many ways, we can take control of our health on all levels, emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually. Reiki is the best gift you could ever give to yourself or anyone else.

With your intentions and the vibrational power of Reiki, we can begin to understand the power of our energy and the power that love gives to us and to everyone who is truly feeling it.

Because Reiki Energy is not limited by time and distance, Distant Reiki Healings can also be given without the client being present. It is easily done and works very well. Distant healing can be done in different ways.

The practitioner can use a proxy, visualization or a projection of Reiki energy (beaming) or a combination of these methods. Sending Reiki is effortless.

Distant Reiki healing may also be done at an appointed time that the practitioner and the one recieving the Reiki agree on ahead of time. The Recepiant agrees to sit or lie comfortably for an agreed amount of time (usually up to half an hour). The practitioner sends the Reiki Healing Energy during this time in the method that they are guided to use.

I am a Master Reiki practitioner and have been for around 6 years. I give Reiki to all my family, kids, pets, grandkids. My motto is: A little Reiki is better than no Reiki! I also do long distance Reiki, if you feel you are interested in this please visit my website for more information.
